Other services:
- Profile Assessment and Enhancement
Profile Assessment and Enhancement
A good profile is the one that works where it’s meant to: your desired college! Our sole aim is that your profile stands out among thousands of your competitors. We make sure to: Match your profile with desired colleges Identify gaps in your profile Recommend activities to fill that gap Showcase your extracurricular profile effect...
- Shortlisting Universities
Shortlisting Universities
Over 15 years of counseling thousands of students and building a vast network of university contacts, we know exactly what works where. We assess your current profile carefully and based on our extensive experience and database, we give you 2 kinds of shortlists: tentative (if you don’t have your exam score yet) and final (if you do have your...
- Preparing Application Documents
Preparing Application Documents
Your application introduces you to the university. It must be flawless and help you put your best foot forward. We, at Jamboree, know the utmost importance of your application documents. We have standard questionnaires that you must answer to give us an idea of how to leverage your achievements to the best possible advantage. We hold numerous brain...
- Interview Training
Interview Training
We always encourage UG, MBA and some MS aspirants to appear in interviews. If shortlisted by the university, we train you rigorously and give you crucial pointers on spoken English and content to make you well-prepared and confident about yourself, your interests and your reasons to apply to that particular college. After each mock interview, the t...
- Visa Counseling
Visa Counseling
Your admission letter is a great accomplishment and a reason to celebrate. But your journey isn’t over yet! You need to make sure that you get your visa. We step in to help you with your visa application and paperwork. We also hold mock interview sessions to prepare you for your final visa interview at the embassy.
- Pre-Departure Orientation
Pre-Departure Orientation
As you are about to take your first step towards a glorious future, a thousand questions must run in your mind—What clothes should I pack for college? What books would I need? How much cash should I carry? and so on. Jamboree holds a Pre-departure Orientation session every year where we address these kind of questions and a lot m...