The SAT is not only a test of your aptitude but also a test of your mental stamina–you need a combination of precision, accuracy and speed to ace the SAT test.
How long is the SAT? That is an obvious follow-up question. In this article, we aim to elaborate on the different sections, sectional breaks and overall amount of time taken to complete the SAT. The SAT exam consists of two sections:
Reading & Writing
The total duration of the SAT is 2 hours and 14 minutes, with an optional 10-minute break. The table below shows the breakup of the total SAT test duration:
The test has one optional 10-minute break–after the Reading & Writing section and before the Mathematics section.
Why is the Break Important?
A break between your SAT exam can be a crucial component of your testing; make it a part of your strategy and plan your test accordingly–every minute can make a difference.
What does a break do? It helps you drink water, shake off jitters, and refocus your mind towards the next section. It’s really all about biology: Understand what glucose (sugar) levels do to your body. During an examination, make sure that you remain hydrated and have optimum sugar levels. When sugar levels drop below normal, you might shiver and lose focus; while the loss of water can be tiring. So, make sure that you use the break to your advantage to keep your body and mind in optimal conditions.
Prepping for the SATs involves building your mental stamina alongside brushing up your knowledge and skills in Math and English. But fear not, talk to us at Jamboree for a personalised SAT preparation guide!