Over the time since Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, we have heard multiple queries from worried parents and students, who have looked at the often inflammatory rhetoric that has filled the election updates. A potential shift to an anti-immigrant policy has been a major takeaway for many of the people who have followed the election, and this has led to the following specific concerns:

  1. Will the number of student visas awarded to students applying for admission to graduate and undergraduate programs in the United States be negatively impacted by the Trump Presidency?
  2. Will the number of jobs available to people (2, 3 or 4 years down the line) applying to the US now be negatively impacted by the Trump Presidency?
  3. What action should be taken by students applying to the US now so that they can maximize the chances of getting a good job down the line, when they become a part of the most lucrative job market in the world?
  4. Should students who were, till now, looking only at the US as an option, look to apply to other countries as a backup in the worst case?
  5. Given that applying abroad in general, and applying to the US in particular, involves a huge investment of time, energy and money, what hard facts (and lessons from history) should be examined so as to take a reasoned decision on all the matter above?

In the forthcoming sections, we present to you every fact that you will need to understand our point of view on the situation; we are confident that both current facts and past history will prove to you that you have nothing to be worried about.