SAT Newsletter
January 19, 2017
- The first year at an International University can be an exciting but also intimidating experience so, in order to succeed holistically, students need additional attention and care outside of the classroom.
- The Universities in the USA offers various programs that aid in helping a new student to develop, and one such program is “Peer Mentorship Program” Successful students can be powerful supports when they become mentors for their peers.
- They have first-hand experience overcoming unique challenges faced by other students, so they help the student adapt to a new academic environment faster.
- An added benefit for peer mentoring programs is that for every mentoring match, two students benefit: both the mentor and mentee. The mentorship groups participate in a variety of leadership activities, Academic programs and also research work.
- Thus, at universities across the USA that have made a commitment to helping students, the Peer Mentorship programs have been set up for peer advising and tutoring to promote opportunities for experienced students to serve as mentors for new students.
Tips ( Reading Comprehension )
Don’t let the long passages get to you.If you find it difficult to retain the information in a long passage, you need not read the entire passage in one go. In RC, the questions come in the order in which the information is present in the passage. That means that the first question is not going to be about something in the last paragraph; it is very likely to be about something in the first paragraph. Similarly, the last questions are not going to be about something in the first paragraphs. So, you can read the passage paragraph-wise and solve the questions accordingly. Try it and see if your accuracy improves.
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