It’s not enough to go to college and get good grades. Many employers expect students to graduate with relevant work experience. In USA Cooperative education programs, commonly referred to as co-ops, provide students with the opportunity to gain work experience in their career fields. Under the Coop plan, students attend classes full-time freshman year. Then, depending on their academic program and coop option, they alternate six-month periods of full-time study with full-time employment at University-approved employers. Monetary benefit is that you earn a considerable amount of money during this time, which can help you pay off your debts or tuition. This is very useful when looking for a job after graduating. Plus, if you are a desirable employee, you may get an offer from one of your co-op employers.
Every year, the suggested recommendations and requirements around SAT subject tests tends to get more and more diverse.While some colleges find these tests as a helpful way to shortlist students……………Read more
A number of universities operate with rolling admissions, allowing prospective students to almost set their own deadlines and submit applications when they feel the time is right………….Read more
Recent SAT and ACT revisions have resulted in important changes to the content that each test assesses. As a result, consider re-evaluating any content-based decisions you may have made based…………Read more
SAT is as much a test of time management as of knowledge. Very often students make the mistake of not marking any answer option if they are not sure. They skip the question to be solved later. However, that is a very wrong strategy and is a waste of time. If you are not sure of a question, still mark the answer option that you think is the best choice and put an asterisk or cross mark against that question number so that you can identify it later on. After you are done with that section, if you have time, you can review and redo these questions. However, if you do not have time to redo, at least you can rest assured that your best guess is marked as the answer instead of not marking any answer at all.
Top Scorer
Pritika Thakkar
New SAT Score – 1420
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