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SAT Newsletter
August 18, 2016
Indian minds are considered the best around the world but Indian Universities do not fare well globally and the reason behind this is their Uni-dimensional approach. You will hardly find Indian Colleges which focus both on Engineering and management. They do not give overall education to students.
Whereas in the USA majority of Schools house various programs like such as engineering, management, social science, fine Arts, etc under one roof. So, students get an overall education. Also, any student who wants to change from one stream to the other can always do that within the same school itself .Multi-disciplinary is the way to the future.
Tips (Language and Writing)
Parallelism errors are the most common types of errors that are tested in SC. While checking for parallelism in more than 2 items, stop the moment you find that an item is not parallel and eliminate that answer option. For example, say, an option reads – “I like to eat, sleeping and dance.” Stop reading the option the moment you read “sleeping”; it is not parallel to “eat” and it does not matter what form the third item “dance” is in. This will save you a lot of time.
Ashutosh Vashist
New SAT Score – 1420
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