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Thousands of students apply for a medical degree in the USA every year, and a few hundred get into the top medical colleges. Along with the opportunity to save lives, job security and high salary are the parameters that motivate students to pursue a medical degree in the top medical colleges in the USA.

Now, every year, U.S. News & World Report releases a comprehensive list of the best medical programs in the United States. In 2022, the publication surveyed 191 accredited medical programs and released the ranking covering a wide range of factors like peer assessments and medical research funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Planning to Pursue your Medical Degree Abroad?

Have you taken the GMAT before?

To offer you better diversity, we have segregated the list of the top medical schools in Research and Primary Care.

U.S. News 2022 Top 10 Medical Schools – Research




1 Harvard University Boston
2 New York University (Grossman) New York
3 Duke University Durham
4 Columbia University New York
4 Stanford University Stanford
4 University of California San Francisco
7 Johns Hopkins University Baltimore
7 University of Washington Seattle
9 University of Pennsylvania (Perelman) Philadelphia
10 Yale University New Haven

U.S. News 2022 Top 10 Medical Schools – Primary Care

1 University of Washington Seattle
2 University of California San Francisco
3 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
4 Oregon Health & Science University Portland
5 University of Minnesota Minneapolis
6 University of Colorado Aurora
6 University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha
8 Harvard University Boston
9 University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas
10 University of Massachusetts Worcester

Want to know which college is best suitable for your profile?

Have you taken the GMAT before?

What to Expect at the Top Medical Schools in the USA?

Selection in one of the best medical schools in the USA is nothing less than winning a lottery. Once you secure an admit, you get a chance to study under the guidance of the best doctors in the world.

A medical degree in the US generally takes 4 years to complete; however, students spend several more years to become an accredited doctor. When you enter a medical school, your course, divided into the 4 years, is

1st Year in the Medical School:

In the first year, medical students focus on the clinical science course. They study Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, and similar. These courses not only form a base for the years to come but also prepare the students for their future profession.

2nd Year in the Medical School:

In the second year, most of the time is spent reinforcing the course covered in the first year. Students undergo several clerkships and new courses that shape their future as a doctor. The new courses added in the 2nd year include:

  • A course on clinical skills
  • A global health course
  • One practical course

3rd Year in the Medical School:

In the third year, students’ focus is on one clinical clerkship and/or rotations. During rotation, the students understand various fields of medicine like internal medicine, paediatrics, radiology, and more. Students also become a member of the medical team.

As students get a chance to understand all the specialties of medicine, this is the year when students decide on the type of medicine, they will make their career.

4th Year in the Medical School:

In the 4th year, the medical students start their residency phase. They also select their area of expertise and pursue higher education in the same field to shape their career.

Medicine is a rewarding yet demanding career. If you are also planning to pursue a medical degree from one of the top medical schools in the USA, talk to our consultant and understand all the aspects that will help you secure an admission.

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