For DPS Indirapuram student, Ankur Devra, the SAT journey has been all about hard work and consistent practice. “Don’t underestimate the SAT,” Ankur cautions, “Although many students say that SAT is easy in comparison to Indian exams, it is actually not. It may look easy curriculum-wise but once you start doing the questions you can easily run out of time.”
He advises students to practice consistently. “It is ultimately practice that will fetch you marks. SAT is about the basics. Be very clear with those,” he says. The first time Ankur took the SAT, he ran out of time in the Math section so he stresses that students need to brush up on their mental math skills.
“Apply to 5-10 universities and always compare universities. Don’t make a decision purely on the basis of scholarships. Ultimately, the quality of your degree matters more than scholarship,” he advises.
Ankur scored a 1400 on the SAT and made it to SUNY Buffalo. Congratulations, buddy!
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